amber kumar


Kraferd Inc | UI/UX / Product Designer

JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021

Collaborated closely with Product Owner and Manager throughout the product development cycle. Led user research and planned out strategies to curate understanding of our user and their needs. Designed a variety of systems for products, from the initial stages of implementing information architecture to adding cosmetic finishing touches to robust web and mobile experiences.

Steve Noir | UI/UX Designer & Developer


Redesigned an existing video site to best accommodate better practices by conducting a UX audit on the site as a whole. Continuing to redesign the site to best encourage general retention and to convert consumers to customers. Pushing changes and presenting deliverables weekly to stakeholders, along with ideation in practicality and adjusting for usability.

Careful Cents | UI/UX Researcher & Designer

APRIL 2020 - JULY 2020

Performed a full scaled UX audit, and with my findings, created a branding standard, style guide, and a full site redesign on three main viewports for a finance blog aimed at accessibility.

Experian Customer Services | Contract UI/UX Designer

FEBRUARY 2020 - APRIL 2020

Designed and developed financial calculators with the end goal of user operation in mind. Gave biweekly design updates to stakeholders while remaining consistent with brand guidelines and respective development environment. Redesigned the blog by changing user interface and information architecture. Created a calculator template by manifesting a practical business solution.

PolarPro | UI/UX & Digital Product Designer


Having creative control on a brand-intensive mobile application and creating a user profile within company branding to best facilitate easy shopping and a better media experience,
Performing maintenance on the application in order to maintain brand values and shaping it to best fit the vision of stakeholders.
Conducting research to ensure flow for the audience, and creating mockups/ prototypes on demand, iteration before execution, and creating personas to best understand the audience.

Dept. of Computer Science @ UCD | TA


Taught computer science students the importance of design standards and aesthetics when involving web and app development, emphasized lessons in a user-oriented fashion.
Created materials such as user flows and prototypes in order to teach the value of semantic markup in the production stage of a project.

Design Careers Club @ UCD | Web Team Lead

APRIL 2018 - JUNE 2018

Wrote DCC’s website and additional pages in HTML, CSS, and JS, as well as performing maintenance on it regularly, and responding to critique.
Worked in a collaborative environment with other designers and team leads while leading interns to develop holistic websites that met the needs of the rest of the team.

Dept. of Communication @ UCD | UX Researcher

JANUARY 2018 - APRIL 2018

Summarised and reported technology use in Latin America to expedite further technical research in specific developing countries. Published here.

Freelance Designer


Created websites, graphics, and provided user experience consulting for various clients in order to fit needs for their projects. Worked between all mediums of print, digital, and product, in order to hone my own design skills and to offer them to peers / organisations that needed them.


UI / UX Design

Adobe XD, Sketch, Origami
Invision, Sigma, Zeppelin
User Flows / Storyboarding
Wireframe Animation
Style Guide Creation
Rapid Prototyping

UX Research

Ethnography & Heuristic Analysis
A/B Testing
Cognitive Walkthroughs
Jobs to be Done
Diamond Diagrams
Persona Creation

Graphic & Motion Design

Adobe AfterEffects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere
Adobe Indesign

Front-End Development

react.js, node.js
git and github
P5.js, vue.js



I would not be a great (or even good!) designer if it wasn’t for those who have helped me along the way. Though I still have a lot to learn, I enjoy spending time talking to newer designers to help them sharpen their craft. If you’re a new designer with questions, contact me, as I would be more than happy to help!

Music Curation

Those who know me personally may describe me as a compulsive playlist creator - which is possibly the most apt description of myself that I have ever heard! Whether producing mixtapes for friends, genres, feelings, or seasons, I think my Spotify is always fire 🔥

My Current Fave Playlist


My journey as a UI/UX designer began by DMing for Dungeons & Dragons! The idea of tailoring interactions for my users has influenced me personally and professionally, and I continue to game to this day. During downtime, you’re likely to find me playing World of Warcraft, writing plots for a D&D campaign, or attempting to fix the Zelda timeline.



University of California, Davis

Bachelors in Arts - Design
Focus : Human Computer Interaction
Minor in Computer Science
Minor in Communication

sounds rad?

if any of the above sounds like we’re a creative match made in heaven, let’s chat!